Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Shameful Side Of Stardoll: Celebrating 1 year!

Good morning guys n gals! It's SimGuru2011, once again!

The Shameful Side Of Stardoll (well, I'm talking about this blog), is celebrating one year which mean that we've gone through good times (new stores, picks of the day and many more, which are posted on the Bright Side Of Stardoll, as well as Miss Stardoll World, which is starting very soon!) and bad times on Stardoll (pervs, weirdoes, hackers, scammers, idiots and club inactivations as well as MANY MANY more, coming soon :D)

Here are the moments that had impressed me so much so far:

That was from July 2014 (right before I started this blog) but I did not have time to post on the other blog, so if you see messages like this, STAY AWAY! (tips how to prevent from it on the other blog - Adventures in Stardoll)
It seems like I hadn't posted it for it seems like months. Another Stardoll glitch, which is showing the Pick Of The Day as a feathered coat, but originally it is an accessory for hair.
Funny huh?
More images coming soon.

Monday, July 6, 2015

ANOTHER club inactivation!!!

Hi. I am SimGuru2011. I am not in a great mood today because one of the clubs I joined (about a year ago) got inactivated. And it's no other than the club zouzounia2004.

The club zouzounia2004, apparently was a club for kids because the name 'zouzounia' is referred to a Greek kids band. (that I used to listen to it like 6 years ago)

Here is the proof.

The reason was apparently bad language.

Apparently you remember WeStaySwaggin (another club) that got inactivated about a year ago (June 2014).

Thanks for reading!! <3


Sunday, May 31, 2015


Hi guys! It's me (SimGuru2011). I have found some weirdoes on Stardoll with perverted names such as those below.
Here we go!
 Nice names though.
 oh, looky, it's me (the first visitor). With a new look.
And nice name above me (se3-tvra-uelo).

 Remember some transvestite guy (I'm not talking about ithinkimabutt, but somebody else) on the other blog, Adventures in Stardoll? This guy kinda looks like him :D
Nice suite btw.

Last but not least, remember this guy from April 2014?
thanks for reading :)

SimGuru2011 :D

Friday, May 29, 2015

a little update

hi guys it's me SimGuru2011.
As you can see I will update the blog with a new SCM music player full of annoying songs to listen to while you are browsing the blog. GET IT?

and much more coming soon through the next days!


Monday, May 25, 2015

Nearly 1000 views!

Hi, guys and gals!
It's me. SimGuru2011. I am back with new stuff.
By the way, the blog is reaching 1000 views. The blog had started in early August and now it has (nearly) 1000 views.
Here's the views chart that I print-screened a few seconds:
keep viewing the blog, guys!

SimGuru2011 :D x

Saturday, May 9, 2015


hola, old_school1904 is back!!!
I just have to announce you something about the blog.
The blog is currently having 970 views so in a few days we're going to have 1000!!!!!!
well I am so happy, but Guru started posting in August (currently 3 months left for the 1 year anniversary of the blog plus 2 other months for the 1 year anniversary of The Bright Side Of Stardoll!).
the other blog which became famous by the Dark Side Of Stardoll posts by Guru (once again!) has a 1 year anniversary!!!
Well, thanks for reading.
old_school1904 (A.K.A. the only person who becomes fluent in Spanish :D)

have you ever listened to this song?

Monday, April 13, 2015

some more action

Hi guys n gals!! I hope you're having a rather good time!!!
Now that the Easter holidays are over, it's time to take action and catch more idiots in my trap.

Today, I caught an idiot in my trap and it's time to show the proof.
This showed up at the startpage a few hours ago.
It's not a glitch btw.

And I found out that the user was deleted.

That's it!!

SimGuru2011 :D

Saturday, April 4, 2015

dont have to look back ...

Hi guys n gals!! I hope you're having a good time reading the blog.
It's me (aka old_school1904) and today I have a weirdo in my trap named bazaar8sd. Nice name, but more proof is shown below.

This one was brought to me by loser2323 (AGAIN).
Here is the proof. I don't know why she got inspired by this name, but more proof coming soon.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The dirtier side of Stardoll? - part II

Bonjour mon amies.
old_school1904 is back... AGAIN. Today I am gathering more weirdoes in my trap.

Stardoll has reached 365 million members and many people create dolls only for online dating.
Some of them are today's weirdoes.
First weirdo, is thelw_se3_twra. Nice one though. I got inspired by the name, not the appearance of the doll. Here are some pics of her guestbook - thanks to the Snipping tool.
Second weirdo is a gal named thelo_se3. What a charming name, so I only took pics from her presentation.

Third one is the weirdo who was found by SimGuru2011 (As known as to_kano_se3) a month ago.
Here are some guestbook pics:

She's the weirdo who stalked Disintegration.'s page plus another one who stalked her page too.
Her name is jouliPurple (I stalked her page again) only for proof.
Here are some pictures of her suite, presentation and guestbook.
Disintegration. (a friend) brought me here. Nice outfit though. Plus nice suite. That's what children should not do while they're online. Online dating.
nice though..

I stalked Disintegration.'s page again (actually I didn't but Joanne sent me this) and saw the same perverted stalkers who tried to stalk her page apart from new_orderGirl and loser2323. Those stalkers were from February.

*all pictures except the last one were sent by Disintegration.

thank you for reading

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The dirtier side of Stardoll now? - Part I

Hi there. It's SimGuru2011. This is my third post on the blog.

Recently I have seen perverts hanging around on Stardoll. The real proof is shown below and I decided to call the post I am posting right now "The dirtier side of Stardoll now?" It will have 20 parts. The first part is today's post.

The name of this gal is votemecovegirl. What a great name for a 'dummy'.
This is her 'repulsive' and 'stupid' presentation. The reason that I hate this presentation are the explicit words.

 This is her suite. Nothing interesting, but I hate the Stardesign hair representing this kind of perversion on a dress-up site for girls and boys.

This is an image of her latest visitors.

The first visitor on her page is a friend. Not me I promise.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

NEW SCAM on Stardoll. Beware!

Hi guys. I am old_school1904. I've seen myself what's going on Stardoll.
Today a new scam has started spreading around by broadcasting and writing in people's guestbooks. 
I have proof of what is going on and this is a preview of the scam that started spreading today. 

Remember the free stardollars scam that was spreading around on Stardoll from July till October?
This time, they write a YouTube link on their presentation to convince other dolls to paste the link and watch the video. I've seen what kind of video it is. It's a video to get more Instagram followers. 
More proof in the images below. 
 Yes. This is the URL referred in the presentation above.
 thanks to loser2323 for the presentation image
The next step is the suites of those gloomy people who convinced us to watch a YouTube video. 
Thanks! old_school1904

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Can't it get any dumber than this? (Part I)

Hello guys. It's me, old_school1904. In a bad mood today.

2015 has come and the writers of the blog are gathering more perverts and loons than in 2014. Guru has already gathered a bunch of perverts recently. Now it's my turn to gather some pervs.

The following images are taken from Danae.Stardoll's album.
 No more comments for this one.
 This is the first strange case for 2015. This pathetic gal wants to be made Superstar by someone. This might get your account stolen.
 The second case here is marakifount's comment. Before I see it myself either the mentioned accounts bebaki123, koukladimitra6 and zouzouni.molo are active or one of the mentioned accounts is deleted, I should have to see it myself.
I saw it myself. None of the accounts mentioned in marakifount's comment are deleted.

The next case is from a guy saying mean things. 
There are no words for this. Even if some kind of loon wrote some kind of mean or perverted stuff in my Guestbook I would post it straight away to the shameful side of Stardoll.

Thank you for reading the blog.
old_school1904 :D

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The dirtier side of Stardoll now..

Hi all. I am SimGuru2011. Today I discovered my first 2 perverts on the website.

I can wonder why Stardoll is getting dirtier these days.

First pervert caught in my trap is se3.edo. I have images of her suite and presentation but not guestbook.

Now THIS is what I hate. I hate the dolls with perverted names like Imalez234 and t1t-suk3r, and many many more.

Stardoll is a site for playing dressup games and NOT for dating!

The next perv was brought to me by se3.edo and I only have images of her pres and suite but NOT images of her guestbook!

If you are under 11 years old you must AVERT YOUR EYES! ~explicit content down below!~

Her name is to.kano.me.k.a.

Thanks for reading!
SimGuru2011 :D x

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First post in AGES!!

Hi all. It's me again. SimGuru2011. I have some news for you. This is my first post of 2015.
I'll catch in my trap more perverts than 2014.
Looks like a new chainmail is going around on Stardoll. I don't have any image of this message but the chainmail says that Stardoll is closing down on the 25th of June 2015. Remember to send this message to 10 friends within two weeks. If you don't, your account will be deleted for no reason.

I haven't gotten anything like this so far, but my friend ModernBannister has. She has gotten a message like this by Mini_5 and she deleted it.
Here's a preview of it:
"On the 25th of June 2015 Stardoll is closing down because of so many members. Please do not report the person who sent you this message. If you send it to 10 friends your account will be active. If you don't, your account will be deleted for no reason."

Please do not believe in chainmails. They may trick you FOR REAL.
Stardoll is NOT closing down!

If you have gotten anything like this tell me in the comments below!
SimGuru2011 :D