Thursday, April 20, 2017

The "Lesbian" Apocalypse?!

Hi guys n gals!!! This is loser2323. I'm back with a new apocalypse!

I am in a good mood today. I don't know the reason why but it's Easter time. Today I thought of searching members with the name "Lesbian" and many of these members are in today's post. Like... the ones that I'm gonna refer to later.

First person is a member called i_am_lesbian. I was impressed by her suite. Here's the picture :)

Her suite is literally empty; that's what an ordinary level 12 member can do to its suite. I'm not joking. I really like her outfit too, it matches her name :D She kinda looks like BlueMonday1988 in my opinion :D

Sadly I have no picture of her presentation/guestbook but anyways.

Next up it's a member called lesbiaedoelate (or whatever it is I don't even know) and when I saw her suite and presentation I went crazy. That is pretty obvious.

This is her suite. It shows a bed, a window and lights. If there was another light like this, this would clearly be the logo of the SS. That would definitely make sense without trying to be offensive/rude in any way.

This is her presentation and some comments from her guestbook. First and foremost, I'm moving on to her presentation. It's full of spelling mistakes, according to one comment on her guestbook. And secondly, let me move on to her guestbook. It's full of dirty comments and very few (I don't know how many they are) offensive comments. Just like the first two.

I have more! More to come...

I was so happy to be brought to a member called RedLesbia_eimai. And this picture shows her suite. Which shows a bed, a carpet, a bunch of clothes, a mirror, a window (with a curtain), a wall decoration, a dresser (it's from the other side) and her doll, wearing 4 bras (or 5 or whatever it is I don't really know), and she has a "vagina" designed on StarDesign Hair. Had absolutely nothing to say when I saw this.

This is her presentation. It's divided into 2 parts. This is the first part of the presentation. It is very big and I was left speechless when I saw it. Haha just kidding :D

This is the second part of the presentation. Which shows the doll, wearing a top, red gloves and for sure she shows her "vagina".

Last but not least, I was also brought to a member called maria_axx123. This is her suite, which is well-decorated for me. Especially from a typical level 11 member.

I was somewhat impressed.

Before moving on to the presentation; let me describe her outfit. She wears a black ballet leotard with stay-ups and glitter platforms.

Now let me move on to the presentation (highlit in yellow):

Nothing special by the way.

Good night!



Good morning y'all! It's loser2323. I'm back with a new "weirdo" that sent me a friend request this morning. It's not actually a weirdo, but his username IS funny. His username IS weird. His username made ME laugh. And not only that; his username made ME go crazy. I'm not joking at all. And that IS true.

His name is im_gay_mom. First and foremost, it impressed me in a weird way. And secondly, his username made me laugh. That's pretty obvious, isn't it?

This picture is taken from the "Friends" page. And it has been printscreened by me, of course. Thanks to my special printscreening skills...

...Thanks to MS Paint. Next time I should use Adobe Photoshop. That is more of a joke.

I am curious to see his suite, his presentation, his quick facts and his guestbook!

First, it's his suite. Which is nothing special to me. It's a typical level 8 member suite, to me.

Here it is! I really like the way he decorated it. Which impressed me a lot. On the outside, it's quite messy. And if I can, I can give an accurate description of his looks/current outfit. Moving on to his looks; he has pink hair, nerd glasses and no... MAKEUP? His looks should have been better with a little bit of makeup, just to match his username. And now, I'mma move on to the current outfit. He wears a khaki (at least I spelled it right, didn't I?) sweatshirt, black slim jeans, and military print sneakers which look like Converse All Star shoes.

Overall, he's HOT. Not hot, HAWT! Hot and hawt is almost the same thing. That was more of a joke but that's the actual truth.

I have no banner today but anyways. What do you think of him?

See you soon.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dating On Stardoll?! (Part II)

Hi guys n gals!!! This is loser2323. Back with another apocalypse about dating.

Today I saw two new dating ads on Stardoll. I thought it was a good idea to post them....
And so I did. It's good for me to find suspicious ads/members on Stardoll and then post them to the Shameful Side of Stardoll.

This is the sequel to the first post. With two more suspicious ads, seen when I was on the page of "The Vote" (tryin' for a round) and on a member's beauty parlor. They were taken on a very embarrassing moment. Embarrassing: y'know what I mean. It's because of the Wi-Fi connection here. Which is horrible. It takes a long time to load my suite, and that's pretty obvious...

...The pictures speak by themselves!

This is the ad that I was talking about! This is the ad which refers to a dating site which allows YOU to date Arab girls. It showed up when I was browsing a doll's profile.

Like seriously, how the hell did THIS show up in this page? HOW?!

Next up is another dating ad. Not about Arab girls but about Asian girls. It was when I was voting for dolls on the Vote.

Nothing to say about the picture... screw the internet connection! I even tried to refresh the page many times, but still the same result. With different ads above the menu. I was speechless when I saw this ad... Just Kidding :D

But it was worth it printscreening both pictures and then posting them here, on The Shameful Side of Stardoll.

How the hell do such kinds of ads show up on a girls' dressup site?! Little girls can even click on these ads and date Arab girls (or whatever else) FOR REAL!!! In other words, these people can be ANYONE. Do not accept such requests! They seem dangerous and may rape you!


I think it's high time I ended this post HERE.

Good night!

(PS. Screw you Internet connection!)

Thursday, April 13, 2017

some more action (Known as untitled)

Hi guys n gals!!! It's SimGuru2011. I'm back after months. And that means I have a long time to write on TSSOS. Is that because I was bored.... or maybe did I have a lot of work?

I strike again with another post that will definitely leave you "speechless". Which includes glitches, pervs, weird ads, and of course "suspicious behavior" on Stardoll. And you know what I am talking about. Bullying, password requests, club inactivations (that is rare so I don't see them a lot, even though it's not considered any kind of suspicious behavior), messages to phishing sites...

First and foremost, I always tend to see THIS ad:

The one circled in red. I always see this ad on Stardoll and that pisses me off. It is fucking annoying and I hate it with a passion. Even though this ad refers to older people in the UK who watch TV, saying that TV is the main form of company. Sorry 'bout it, but this ad is even showing up in Greece! Picture is sent by BlueMonday1988 and Stardoll is in Greek. Not only that, but I always feel like I am some kind of pissed off. But anyways. I've seen ads like "Girl Rising" which were not able to get rid of. That was during Christmas, or whenever that was, I don't even know. Sorry.

Next up is the "ever strange" dating ad which was posted by loser2323. It was quite recently.
The picture speaks by itself :)

The ad is about dating Latin girls. Recently I have seen ads like this, but instead of Latin girls, it said Arabic girls. Like seriously, these ads should be BANNED from Stardoll because it's a dressup site for girls not a site for dating!!!

Now let's move to my favorite part: Suspicious behavior.

The first case is a different kind of suspicious behavior. I was brought to a user called eimailesbia1 and I was impressed by all I saw. Especially by her presentation. And her suite.

The pictures speak by themselves...

Here is her suite. It shows a bed with crimson rose petals, a side table with some books on it. I thought it was worth posting it on TSSOS even though the pictures are from November 19. I didn't have time.

Moving on to her presentation. She gives a little introduction. Nothin' special, but I don't wanna do what she mentions in her presentation.

I have only one picture of her guestbook.
It's down below :)

 The message is by diamondstella2 -her profile was checked by loser2323 a couple mins ago- and it's just a typical dirty message.

Not only that, we have MORE. More to come.
We're going to two other members that will leave you speechless by what they write... and their suites as well.
Here we go!

First up is a member called eimai.xazos. Nice name, though he'll get bullied by other members. I don't know who sent me these pictures, perhaps it's loser2323 :)
Let's take a look at his suite, presentation and Guestbook!

This is his suite. Sounds a little "empty" but all that makes the impression is the Lego Friends carpet, his winter attire and his facial features. Which means that his face has no features. Seems scary...

And yeah, this is his presentation! I almost laughed when I saw this :)

  And this is his guestbook. Full of compliments by other members. And one of these members is the next one...

Next up it's a member called eimai.karpoyzo. I was so excited to see her suite, presentation and guestbook.

This is her suite. Sloppy, but there was something on her suite that I really liked! It was full of watermelons... and I blushed when I saw this. Here is her presentation:

I laughed when I saw this. I liked it THAT much. I'm not lying :D
at least I'm trying to be sarcastic here :D :D
here's her guestbook :)

her guestbook is nothing special but anyways!
Happy Easter!
SimGuru2011 :D x

I have no banner today :(

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Dating on Stardoll?! (Part I)

Hey guys n gals! I'm back with a new post. I'm back after 3 (or maybe 4) months. And the reason why I didn't write that much on the blog, it's because I had a lot of school and I didn't have time to do anything or focus on the blog. Sorry 'bout that :(

Today I saw a suspicious ad above my suite. You know why it's suspicious. It's because this kind of ad is not supposed to be on Stardoll because of it's content(s). The picture speaks by itself.

And it's pretty obvious. The ad is all about dating. And when I saw this I decided to post it straight away to the blog. Like seriously, dating is not allowed on Stardoll because it's a dress up site for little girls! I've never seen such ads on Stardoll but it's the first time seeing such ads on Stardoll. It was worth it, I say it in an ironic way :D

...But I've seen such ads which have to do with dating on other sites. Last time I saw this kind of ad on an MP3 download site which said "Date Russian girls" or something like that. I went insane when I saw it and so I did today.

This kind of ads is inappropriate for a girl dress up site!

I have no banner today :(