Friday, June 30, 2017

I'm changing the blog!

Hey all SimGuru2011 here!!! as of today the blog will have a new header because I really wanted to change my header!!! many of you missed the old one so here it is!!!

this one was from 2015 so I really wanted to give a makeover to the blog!!! hope you like this one as it was made by my lovely friend Joanne!!! aka loser2323!!! she always does a good job at banners and headers so she probably did a good job to this one!!!

I like this one better than the previous one 'cause she made me look cool!!! (look at them sunglasses)

But there are some differences between my new and my good old dollie. In 2015 I had a different hairstyle and got rid of the headband AND my dollie had bigger boobs (;D) but now I adore the hairstyle I picked (probably from last year) and made by dollie's boobs smaller. Only things that remain are the bangles, my doll's facial features and my makeup, changing it only for a daily task.

Since this blog is about loons/pervs/scammers and stuff, I referred this just in case anyone asks.

also: new playlist with annoying songs! I've been planning to do this since 2015 but it's finally here!!! that's what most of you have been waiting for!!! it's a matter of time to organize the playlist and put it on my blog thus most of you will read our writers' posts and listen to an annoying song of your choice!

thats all folks!


EDIT #1: some songs like jaws theme and exorcist theme song are required for shocking posts/scary/stuff like that

EDIT #2: it's recommended for you to put your computer volume to 100 (and so is the playlist volume) to enjoy listening to a song of your choice and read the posts (or a post of your choice) at the same time!!!!!


Monday, June 26, 2017

New Stardoll pervs! (WARNING DIRTY/RAUNCHY)

Hello. This is SimGuru2011.

I'm back, and looks like pervs are back on Stardoll. One of them is the perv that I'mma talk about today. This perv was brought to me by a very good friend of mine.

Her name is SuperBigsluut. Very interesting name in my opinion. And so it is.

I am curious to see her suite, presentation and guestbook. These are the three typical things that I always check out on every Stardoll member.

First thing I do is post the suite of the member. (and/or judge his/her appearance)

Let me be a little over-descriptive. First of all, I see a bed full of good stuff. Such as: sausages, screwdrivers, fruit, vegetables, candles, champagne, and red wine. Next to it there is a plant and underneath it there's a carpet. And on the ground there are a bunch of clothes, such as: a white dress, a bra and some checked-floral panties., That's all I see.

As of her appearance, she is fully naked with some red gloves, black peep-toe heels and my all-time favorite: Stardesign hair in some parts of her body! She has some red circles on her breasts that are supposed to be nipples and a black line in her private part, which is supposed to be a hairless vagina.

And here is her presentation! With some guestbook comments next to it.

I gotta say that this turns me on in a weird way... And firstly, can I just ASK??? How is "sperm" supposed to be allowed in her presentation? Like seriously, is "sperm"  uncensored in her presentation? WHY?! We don't exactly know why... (who knows?)

The answer is that she might be using the Swear Code filter...

And secondly, HOW does she mention Ghotika in her presentation, therefore considering her as her girlfriend?

The answer is the yellow highlit thing on her GB.

No wait, THIS part turns me on. This turns me on FOR REAL. And how are such pictures allowed on Stardoll?

Small children, AVERT YOUR EYES. There is more to come. You have been warned.

I was also brought to a person called LezBabe4U. She's on level 32 as far as I know. And I want to know why there are dolls on Stardoll with funny or perverted names that reach up to level 40. I was brought to her by loser2323 (Joanne). Or whoever that was I don't even know.

You got them pictures. Delivered straight away to your door.

Only thing I know about her is that she's a member since 2015 and on level 32. I remember that doll from somewhere since I recognize the skirt and the jewelry that was on that doll. Take me to the good old SD days.

Sorry about the pictures that include presentation/quick facts and guestbook 'cause I was doing it really fast that no one could understand it.

I wanna know why there are some members with perverted names that reach up to level 30 or lower. 

Have a nice day.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

She's BACK for good. (+ 4 year anniversary special)

Ayo. It's Joanne aka loser2323 here. I've already finished school so I have plenty of time to write here. So I'm back. With a brand new perv/hacker/whatever the fuck it is caught in my trap. No wait, there are two weirdoes caught in my trap.

First one is haker_free_now. I only have pictures of her presentation. I didn't capture her suite because it's sloppy (yeah sloppy) and had nothing to match her username. Just a quick dose of sloppiness.

Here it is.

Well, I was about to report her for threats and I was about to write that she pretends to be a hacker and convinces other members to hack them back when she sees them on her last visitors. She also pretends to be the best hacker in history, on the one hand. On the other hand, I was afraid to be reported back by her, so I would not report her. I think I'm gonna leave this to Guru so she can take more action of hackers.

Next up; SANDSTORMDARUDE. This song is definitely gonna be my new ringtone for Summer 2k17. And I really mean it. Or probably my new alarm sound? I can't imagine waking up to Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dun dundundun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun BOOM dun dun dun dun dun dun BEEP dun dun dun dun dun dun dun BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEP and so on... I would prefer Strangelove instead. HAHA just kidding :)

Blank presentation, blank suite, dressed nicely... Here she is!

Instead of blank it should have said DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN and so on....

First visitor? Lucky me...

I feel like today's post is not over anymore. I thought I would do my 4th Anniversary special. I've been a member since I was 12 a year after I created my first SD account Sim1989 (already deleted because of inactivity) in 2012. You already know I randomly picked this name, didn't know what to pick. In 2014 I was a huge SD addict and this year, I am on level 71. Without being Superstar/Royalty.
When I joined this blog I was on level 60. On a few days I'm having my one year anniversary on TSSOS.

***UPDATE: I let Guru report haker_free_now.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice mid-week.

Hope you like my new banner (not the exclusive one). Created on June 7th, 2017.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Thongs (or Brazilian Bikinis) on Stardoll?!

Hey guys n gals!!! This is SimGuru2011. Looks like I haven't posted here for AGES, but I'm sure that this post is gonna leave you shocked. You know why? Because I found a weird ad on Stardoll a couple days ago (like 9 damn days ago counting as of today) and that's probably why I am back with another post. (after ages)

Hold on, the ad is not about old people in the UK, it's about a shop similar to AliExpress and eBay. When I saw this picture I thought it would be inappropriate for a dress-up site for kids because of the content, but at least it had flip-flops and swim trunks, which is milder than thongs. Especially for a little kids' dress-up site.

Here is the ad that showed up in my screen, but I don't know if this ad was either sent by anyone or was print-screened by me. (or cut by the snipping tool)

The snipping tool was used by the way. The red circle was done via the Snipping Tool that Windows 7 includes, as I'm working on a Windows 7 computer and most of my pictures are taken (or even printscreened) on Windows 7.

Can I just ask? Why did this ad included THIS thong on the left side of the picture (or a Brazilian bikini or whatever the fuck it is I don't even care) even though there are little kids and teenagers on Stardoll?

And you know what, this ad should probably be banned from Stardoll because of its content, but at least it's an online shop similar to AliExpress and eBay (not like eBay) and such ads should be allowed on Stardoll. You know what I mean. Ads that redirect to online shops, such as eBay, AliExpress and Forever 21. (these are the most common examples of online shops whose ads may appear some day on Stardoll, in the near future).

However, dating ads should be banned in any way because they are more than inappropriate on Stardoll, and the reason is because pedophiles and sex offenders are looking for their next target. Which may probably be on Stardoll, a dress-up site especially for little girls. I don't know what the near future will hold from now on... They probably took it to the next level, no joking at all!

Let's forget about this and let's end this post, HERE.


:D xxx