Sunday, May 31, 2015


Hi guys! It's me (SimGuru2011). I have found some weirdoes on Stardoll with perverted names such as those below.
Here we go!
 Nice names though.
 oh, looky, it's me (the first visitor). With a new look.
And nice name above me (se3-tvra-uelo).

 Remember some transvestite guy (I'm not talking about ithinkimabutt, but somebody else) on the other blog, Adventures in Stardoll? This guy kinda looks like him :D
Nice suite btw.

Last but not least, remember this guy from April 2014?
thanks for reading :)

SimGuru2011 :D

Friday, May 29, 2015

a little update

hi guys it's me SimGuru2011.
As you can see I will update the blog with a new SCM music player full of annoying songs to listen to while you are browsing the blog. GET IT?

and much more coming soon through the next days!


Monday, May 25, 2015

Nearly 1000 views!

Hi, guys and gals!
It's me. SimGuru2011. I am back with new stuff.
By the way, the blog is reaching 1000 views. The blog had started in early August and now it has (nearly) 1000 views.
Here's the views chart that I print-screened a few seconds:
keep viewing the blog, guys!

SimGuru2011 :D x

Saturday, May 9, 2015


hola, old_school1904 is back!!!
I just have to announce you something about the blog.
The blog is currently having 970 views so in a few days we're going to have 1000!!!!!!
well I am so happy, but Guru started posting in August (currently 3 months left for the 1 year anniversary of the blog plus 2 other months for the 1 year anniversary of The Bright Side Of Stardoll!).
the other blog which became famous by the Dark Side Of Stardoll posts by Guru (once again!) has a 1 year anniversary!!!
Well, thanks for reading.
old_school1904 (A.K.A. the only person who becomes fluent in Spanish :D)

have you ever listened to this song?