Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Perverts' corner

Hey it's me again! This is my second post on the blog, so today's post talks about perverts. So I hope you like the banner. It's made by thesims3cutie8. She will be on the shameful side of Stardoll from now on. So those pervs, are shown to the shameful side of Stardoll.
 This pervert was brought to me by begone_2332. Her name is glipseme- and this is her presentation. It's split in 2 parts. This is the first part.
 This is, the second part so let's move on to her guestbook..
Recently glipseme- and giatrelitsesedo got deleted because of violating the rules.
 YEAH, NOTHING to say 'bout that...
 Ya, there's nothing to say about this again...
 There are 7 year olds playing on this site! What dummies!
 Stardoll is not a dating site for dummies. It's a site for playing games. There's nothing good about you!
Well this person was learnt from glipseme-'s page, BabyLolabany123 is another perv which fell in my trap. She is on loser2323's friends' list. 

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