Friday, May 5, 2017

kineza123Charm (A member that everyone should stay away of)

Hi y'all! You know who it is. It's SimGuru2011 (for those who don't know).

I'm back with a new post and a new Stardoll alert. Actually, it's a bully alert so I need to describe things a lot more than I do. I have seen this member browse pervs' pages as she appears on almost every perv's page. It was worth it visiting her page and printscreening her suite, presentation and guestbook.

Her name is kineza123Charm. On the one hand, she's cute (regarding to her looks) and dresses nicely (regarding to her attire) but on the other hand she's a bully because she talks shit to almost every visitor that visits her page.

Here's a picture of her suite.

That's what I call 'cute'. Her looks, which kinda make me think like a Chinese woman (just like her name) and her dress, which is the only thing I like. As of her suite; it has only a window. Overall it's blank...

...Huh let's forget 'bout that. I have pictures of her guestbook, which means that I have all the comments on her guestbook. With full answers which I need to describe and analyze at the same time.

The first picture of her guestbook includes a conversation between her and altering. The message explains that everyone should stop talking to her because she's causing a fight. She also says that everyone should not provoke the argument because she shouldn't have commented that (which is supposed to be something threatening). And now I notice a bad spelling mistake (maybe bad English) which says should of instead of should have! I know, many people use this instead of should have, but that should have been corrected instead...

Now THIS is what I hate. Rude conversations on Stardoll, just like what you see above. Where The_Real_Maddy_ attacks kineza123Charm with bad words, saying that she's rude and she'd stay off her friend's page, calling her incapable of -insulting- comebacks twelve-year-old. She replies back, saying that it's not a crime to be 12 years old and Stardoll is a dressup game for everyone not only 12 year olds! Threatening her to get out of Stardoll, calling it the SD (bad spelling mistake) and trying to advise her friend to stop harassing others. You know what, 12 year olds are people too! What do you think they are, aliens? (not trying to be offensive/rude)

Another rude conversation between her and the_prettyones. The_prettyones says that she did not be rude to her and she has no idea what she was rude to her. She calls her sadistic because she didn't wish for someone to go to hell. And she also calls her too young and immature to be on Stardoll.

THE REPLY: She replies back, saying that she was going to report her and her team AFTER being threatened to report and block her!!! Since she is a Stardoll member everyone deserves to be too. Just like me (SimGuru2011) and my writers (loser2323, old_school1904). And everyone in this cruel world. 

THE REPLY: She replies to the first person, saying that she's not mature enough since a comment about a doll made her angry. She commented her page once and she kept coming everyday, attacking her with words and calling her a freak. 

THIS picture does have two conversations at once!

Conversation #1: This conversation is also between these two and the first person tells her to stop commenting rude shit on her page in order for her to not want her to write to her. It ends with a message saying "suck my arab". This encourages racism in my opinion.

THE REPLY: This is the moment that the "bully" tells her to go to hell because of her shitty personality!!! (after asking her if she's some kind of racist)

Conversation #2: This conversation is also between these two and the first one tells her how she's bullying her when she was the one who called her doll "ugly".

THE REPLY: The "bully", regarding to the message, said that she expressed her opinion calling her ugly!!! AS IF!!! Threatening her to get off the internet, being tired of her, calling her a loser and telling her to stop writing to her... 

These pictures below are more racist than I expected...

This is the moment when the first person tells her what does "intimidate" mean. The bully probably didn't know what it meant so she suggested to do something decent with her life. (Suicide, maybe?)
And even google the definition of it! Being called "nazi" didn't offend her because she was in no way or she even were from Germany.

THE REPLY: She calls her stupid and forces her to google the definition of it. Bullying others makes her a nazi not that she is from Germany or being a nazi herself without being German.

THIS word should have been banned from Stardoll!

More bullying to come!

Conversation #3: She threatens her to get out of Stardoll, calling her a loser.

THE REPLY: She tells her she deserves her more than she does, calling her a nazi weirdo!

Now this conversation is between her and altering. She tells her to not take it seriously. She also tells her not to be a rude bitch and people will like her...

THE REPLY: She calls her a German nanny! OMG I laughed with this but it's not funny. 
Glad this message ends with "Kisses" :D

That's the reason why the bullying started between her and the_prettyones. Calling her doll "the_uglyones". It's an old, harmless insult. She calls her a jealous hater, telling her to stop making a fool of herself because she looks about twelve and play hopscotch. She also calls her "young one".

THE REPLY: She tells her to not flatter herself because she was in no position of giving her advice. 

The_Real_Maddy_ strikes again in this message!

I have no idea what she says :D

But the other member tells her to go search the definition of 'peasant' and 'carnival. They are two different things. She also says that peasants don't work at circuses, calling her an uneducated milkdrinker. I have no clue what she says. If I were her I would report her straight away.

THE REPLY: She calls her a peasant, working at a circus! She even tries to call her doll the exact opposite of her nickname...

altering is back with another message. More offensive than the previous ones...

She calls her a slob because she doesn't know how to wear clothes properly AND an attention seeker because she wants everyone to visit her suite. She also claims that she had better stop wasting her money on Stardoll telling her to use it to buy some better insults! Attention seeking whores are not allowed on Stardoll...

THE REPLY: Attacks, attacks and more attacks... 

Thanks to loser2323 for the pictures.

I have no right to expose or be offensive to anyone.


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