Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Return of Guru

Oh hello everyone! I'm back after AGES of posting on the blog. Yes I let Joanne do the job here on my long time hiatus. I don't know where I've been. Was I pregnant? Abducted by aliens while storming Area 51? I've fallen behind. I don't know what's wrong with me. I live in a whole different world. HELL? Shrek's swamp? Area 51? Oh boy. It was a long time comeback. Rumor has it I gave birth to my TSSOS descendant, little Guru. Yet another one has that I had a lot of personal matters. Recently I had turned 33. I'll remain childish no matter what.

Ah shit, here we go again. Guru came back. She had personal matters to deal with in early 2018. Then she went on vacation. Another personal matter to deal with November. Then boredom. She came back but doesn't know when SHE's gonna post. As far as she knows Stardoll search is drunk as fuck; nothing works.

Time to watch another Seinfeld episode. Bye bye byes.

(Yes, I'm a Seinfeld addict so what?)



  1. Oh you're back! Glad to see you!

  2. Hi, ive been playing stardoll since 2012, and i remembered all the good things and try to log into my old account... and its been deleted!! have you ever experienced this? any advise?

    1. Hello! After 3 months of inactivity your account gets deleted. same here!
