Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Free Candy. SEEMS LEGIT. Seriously, Stardoll?

Hello, it's me SimGuru2011 back again with some more weirdoes caught in my trap while I was on Stardoll. This time there are weirdoes with MUCH weirder names than last time.

During the "weirdo hunt" of the day, I found some awesomely cute suites (?) with awesomely weird names that will make you go OMG! (Such as the ones down below)

The first person is FREE_CANDY. A name that should DEFINITELY be banned from Stardoll (A.K.A. our beloved website) because it refers to child predators and especially vans that are suspicious and write "Free Candy"on them.

Her suite is nothing but messy and sloppy which means that the person got bored while decorating it. And, as of her presentation, it's blank for a still very unknown reason.
 Next up is FreeCandy69. Her name makes me go OMG at first, and then there's the number 69 at the end which makes me think of something sexual. And her presentation writes nothing for a still very unknown reason. :D
 Here's a picture of two usernames (FreeCandy69's and SeemsLegit's) with the level crown next to them as they're both on level 1.
 But firstly can I just... ASK? Should these names be banned from Stardoll because there are little kids playing in there?
 Last but not least, here's our last weirdo whose name is SeemsLegit. No matter how funny this name is (to me), it will still make me think of the Pedo Bear song and vans of child predators that write "Free Candy" on them.
How can Stardoll let such names pass?

Anyways I wish you a beautiful day.
SimGuru2011 (waiting for the new banner to be completed) :D x

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