Sunday, July 10, 2016

Perverts Strike Again...

Hi guys n gals!!!! It's me, SimGuru2011. This is my FIRST post in AGES (not ages, but a few months) and I am talking about The Shameful Side Of Stardoll. In a month and a few days from now, the blog has its 2 year anniversary. I am really really really happy to share SUCH a great moment with you guys!

Two years ago (right before TSSOS which is short for The Shameful Side of Stardoll) there were many pervs on Stardoll (and hackers as well), and two years later, they strike again!

Most of the pictures below are from today's so-called "perv hunt", and they were sent to me by loser2323. Once again. And few of them were not uploaded here or I had uploaded them. Or whatever it is I don't even know.

First off, I had caught in the act THIS broadcast below. It's from queenofpain_x. Hadn't checked her/his suite yet but I am sure it contained something raunchy/dirty or some sort of. It's before Stardoll made changes on the site, beauty parlor, level rewards, features YOU can unlock when leveling up and many more. Including the broadcasts which you can see on the left of your hand/friends' activities and an all new feature for Superstars (they can upload pictures from the camera), yet non-SS (and SS) can vote for their favorite Spotlight (that's what I'm talking about) image. It's similar to Stardoll Academy's yearbook, where you can heart projects from other users there. The broadcast below kinda reminds me of the song "I'm a Banana". So hilarious I almost laughed.
 The picture below is about a club I have visited but never wanted to join because of its sexual content. (I have joined similar clubs in the past, and I was afraid they would be deleted because of their weird names such as the one down below, and content that violates Stardoll's One-Stop Rules.)
Its name is lesviaclub, nothing new by the way. :D

 Whoa, this picture below was taken a year ago! The only thing I loved while I was redirected to the page was the presentation that I circled/selected. Nice huh?
This is one of the best presentations that I have seen in my life while having a Stardoll account because of its dirty things it says. And the name of this doll; BAN-PELT. Nothing interesting.

I think Stardoll should have censored foul words not only in English (while browsing on Stardoll I found some weirdoes with the  word "Idiot" in their usernames and some others with the word"Sex" in their usernames) and in Greek 'cause of the nasty comments you will see below (you have also seen some in previous posts) and some of the WEIRDEST presentations I have gathered on Stardoll.
 Sounds Weird Doesn't It?

The picture down below is a picture of a Stardesign pillow by im-a-boy6. The pillow writes the "Fag" word, not the well-known F-word that everyone knows. Well I thought it would represent LGBT people but when I saw it I went crazy! It almost drove me insane!

Well this is definitely one of the most insane StarDesigns I have ever seen (as SimGuru2011). And luckily I didn't click that fatal "Vote!" button. I don't exactly know why the "Vote!" button is fatal for me, is it because of insane, creepy and dirty StarDesigns or pictures from The Vote?

The picture down below is a picture of a presentation in English. I wonder why the censor filter should have been uncensored in this presentation down below but THIS presentation is worth it when it comes to the censor filter. 
Sounds Crazy Doesn't It?? 

 For a quicker dose of insanity and laughs I move to today's pictures.

In this pic I see one of the most insane suites ever. And the gal's username is something really weird. It's striper34. There are many things that impressed me there. Such as the StarDesign hair in her breasts and vagina and the shirt that was in the doll that she picked.
 The picture down below shows one of the hottest, dirtiest, raunchiest AND sexiest suites I have ever seen in my WHOLE Stardoll life (and real life as well). Yet there are many things that impressed me while browsing this girl's suites (USERNAME DOWN BELOW) such as the decoration (Very romantic huh?), the clothes that she wears (Looking hot right?) and the wallpaper just to match the theme of the suite.
 This picture down below (thanks to the ever awesome Snipping Tool) represents her username.

I have always wondered why there are dolls with weird usernames (such as the one down below), they reach up to level 30 and don't get deleted because of the weird content they have in their suites or their presentations. However, one of our writers has had such a case like this but the user(s) who visited her suite was (were) deleted a few days later. And she visited users with weird usernames that were up to level 30.
 This is the presentation of the girl that has one of the sexiest, raunchiest, hottest AND dirtiest (I just lost the sequence of the adjectives that describe her suite but never mind :D) suites in my whole Stardoll life (and real life as well). Sounds weird doesn't it? (refers to the presentation)
 Here are some of the comments at her Guestbook.
 Here there's another perv that has been caught in loser2323's act. Her name is lesb.ia (sounds insane doesn't it?) and her suite is one of the simplest perv suites I have seen in my whole Stardoll life. Simple which means that the user didn't put too many decorations just like the other pervs, just a bed or more beds. Now this suite has two beds. And, when it comes to her dressup, she is (currently) wearing some panties and stay-ups. Crazy huh?
 When it comes to the pictures, here comes her presentation which is really nice and describes about herself. The words that she uses just turn me on like OMG...
 Last but NOT least, this is the last perv that loser2323 caught in the act today. Her name is sXXykitten and this is the only perv that was on her last visitors and was from another country. Her suite (sorry I don't have a picture of it but one of her photos is on her presentation. AND I am talking about her suite photos) is nothing but simple (not many decorations) and her presentation is really, but really pretty. I love that "Welcome" thing with large letters. Looks Legit. Seems Legit.
 Anyways, I wish you a nice day.
SimGuru2011 :D xxx


  1. +land Mystory Your comment was not related with the post (the post is about perverts and you wrote about birthday gifts in India, I'm from Greece). Irrelevant and off-post comments are not allowed in this blog. I'm sorry :(

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    1. Hello, I am not the original author of this post but a blog contributor. Websites outside of Stardoll are not allowed. Thanks.
